Joe Rogan's Supplements List

What supplements does Joe Rogan take?

    Updated November 2, 2021

    Andrew Huberman, a Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University, was on the JRE podcast not too long ago and discussed a number of supplements. Two topics discussed were testosterone boosting supplements and sleep aid supplements.

    Testosterone Supplements

    • Tongkat Ali

      • 400mg/daily

    • Fadogia Agrestis

      • 425mg/daily

    Sleep Supplements

    • Magnesium Threonate

      • 300-400mgdaily

    • Apigenin

      • 50mg/daily

    • Theanine

      • 100-400mg/daily

    Turkesterone is another hormone supplement they discussed as well, but did mention to of course take with care and to consult your doctor first and do plenty of research.

    Not looking to increase your testosterone levels? No worries! The rest of the supplements Rogan takes are down below. Same thing for the sleep cocktail!

    If you listen to The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, you've probably considered buying supplements at one point or another. Whether it's Vitamin D or some hemp protein after a workout. Joe Rogan's supplement regime is no joke. So we've compiled one big list of the supplements Rogan mentions that he takes.

    It is already almost winter 2021, get those supplements and get out there and start working out! Also, what NEW supplements do you think Joe will be talking about in 2022? We have a few ideas already!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Vitamin D

    It's only right that we start off with vitamin D. It's one of the most important supplements to take for everything going on with COVID-19. Dr. Rhonda Patrick has come on the podcast multiple times stressing the importance of vitamin D. A high percentage of the world is deficient in vitamin D. It's one of the cheapest supplements to buy, make it happen! How much vitamin D does Joe Rogan take daily? 5,000 IUs a day is what Dr. Rhonda Patrick discussed on the show with him. How many times does Joe have to tell you? Get your damn vitamins in!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Vitamin C

    Vitamin C has to be at the top of the list, especially given the times the world lives in now. We all know the benefits of it, it's been talked about over and over on the podcast, it's time to get yourself some! Vitamin C is very reasonably priced as well, get yours online!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Zinc

    It's fair to say zinc should round off the top 3. We've heard over and over that Zinc is vital to your immune system. Get yours online! Rogan has talked about taking Zinc many times, especially during covid times.

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Quercetin

    This is probably one of the newer supplements you're hearing of. Dr. Rhonda Patrick brought it to light on one of her most recent appearances on the podcast. Rogan also just talked about quercetin in more depth on the 1/29/2021 episode with Brendan Schaub. Quercetin has definitely become a staple in many people's supplement routine.

    Rogan recently brought up quercetin again on the podcast with Brenden Schaub that came out on January 29th, 2021. And he recommended listing to the podcast with Dr. Mark Gordan who goes over peer reviewed studies on quercetin and how the it benefits the cells in our body. Dr. Gordan goes over the benefits that quercetin and zinc have when working together too. So maybe you want a supplement that has both! Quercetin might sound like coresatin in case you are searching it that way!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Multivitamin

    Wondering what vitamins Joe Rogan takes? It just so happens you can take it on the go too! Get your Athletic Pure Pack by Pure Encapsulations online. You'll see why these multivitamins are Joe Rogan's favorite. A high-quality multivitamin is truly the foundation when it comes to supplements overall.

    Does Joe Rogan take Athletic Pure Pack from Pure Encapsulations?

    Yes, Rogan also talks about the ease of use bringing these on the road as well. They are really a great vitamin pack to invest in.

    Does Joe Rogan take vitamins daily?

    Yes he does, starting with the multivitamins shown above. Along with that he adds vitamin d, vitamin c and other vitamins listed in this guide.

    What pill form of vitamins does Joe Rogan prefer?

    Rogan has mentioned he looks to take powdered vitamins in capsule form to obtain a better absorption rate. Get your vitamin game up!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Fish Oil

    Oh the benefits! Fish oil is known to improve heart health, skin health and so much more. You should especially look to supplement with this if you're not the biggest fish eater. Fish oil is a supplement Rogan has mentioned he takes daily. Each time Dr. Rhonda Patrick is on, she is promoting this stuff!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Greens

    Athletic Greens travel packs. You've probably heard of them by now. If you're on the road a lot (well, before 2020) this is an ideal supplement for you. It's an excellent greens supplement. Just take a look at the nutrient packed nutrition label for yourself.

    Does Joe Rogan use the Athletic Greens travel packs?

    Yes he does, Rogan has said he brings the Athletic Greens packs everywhere with him on the road. Well, when we were all used to be on the road at least.

    Is Athletic Greens a quality greens supplement?

    Athletic Greens has 75 vitamins, minerals and whole food sourced ingredients. Need they say anymore? Just take a look at the ingredient list for yourself! Get yourself some Athletic Greens like Joe Rogan!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Probiotics

    Gut Health! We all know it's super important. So important that Onnit called their probiotics supplement just that, Gut Health. Rogan adds these to his daily list of supplements. Read up on the benefits of a healthy gut for yourself. Maybe even try some fermented foods as well!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Glutathione

    There are many reported benefits to supplementing with glutathione. Looking to lengthen telomeres? This might just be your pick. Glutathione can be on the pricier side, but if you can afford it and read up on the benefits for yourself, this can be a great investment.

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Shrooms

    No, not those kind. Shroom Tech is an excellent mushroom based supplement. Get yours online! The benefits of mushroom supplements are amazing! Do a quick search and check them out for yourself.

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Nootropics

    There is a lot of talk around Nootropics these days. You've probably heard Rogan mention Alpha Brain before. Get yours online to give it a whirl. Just call this the Joe Rogan brain pill. See if you can improve that memory and focus with Alpha Brain! Alpha Brain Black Label is now out too!

    Is Alpha Brain considered a nootropic?

    Yes, it is a nootropic. You can also find this on the Onnit website "Certain clinically-tested nootropic ingredients can help promote alpha waves in the brain, as well as support other aspects of cognitive function for better memory, focus, and mental processing." Source: Onnit Alpha Brain page.

    Where can you buy Alpha Brain?

    You can buy it from Amazon with the link above, directly from Onnit or a supplement store near you.

    Does Joe Rogan own Alpha Brain?

    He is an owner of Onnit, who makes Alpha Brain. Get your Joe Rogan Alpha Brain supplement online!

    What is the Joe Rogan brain pill?

    Alpha Brain! That is the "brain pill" you have probably heard Rogan uses.

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Electrolytes

    Liquid IV. This is another one you've probably heard a friend mention. You can find them at places like Costco or you can get them online as well. And let's be real, if you're a little bit hungover, these can help get you back on the right track. You truly will feel much better after mixing one of these into a pint of water! Not to mention, they taste delicious too and there are several different flavors to pick from.

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Protein

    Rogan has said he uses hemp protein over whey protein these days. Due to finding it a little more digestible compared to whey. Have you tried hemp protein before? Get yourself some and get a savage workout in!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Glucosamine

    Hitting the weights often can cause stress on tendons. It's said that glucosamine is a great supplement for joint support and much more! On a side note, turmeric is also known to help those joints too!

     Joe Rogan Supplement: Neuro Gum

    Not feeling coffee or an energy drink today? Try some of this Neuro Gum. Oh and the ingredients are awesome too. It's a nice minty taste! Jamie is always chewing this stuff on the Joe Rogan podcast.

    To help your immune system against Covid, Rogan has mentioned many supplements. We all know he's not a doctor, but he has doctors and other really smart people on the podcast to explain these things. There are 4 supplements he has mentioned to potentially help fight off Covid and those are:

    • Vitamin D

    • Zinc

    • Quercetin

    • Vitamin C

    Again, he's not a doctor. But if you do some research, all the smart people recommend these supplements. What do you have to lose? Get that immune system stronger!

    Aside from that, check out the other supplements Rogan takes below.

    Update April 12th, 2021: On the recent podcast with Georges St-Pierre, Rogan mentioned he took liver supplements, especially while on the carnivore diet. The brand is Heart & Soil and he speaks highly of it!

    Other supplements Joe Rogan has mentioned taking:

    • B Vitamin Supplements

    • Intravenous Vitamin Drip

    • Onnit Spirulina and Chlorella

    • Four Sigmatic Lion's Mane Mushroom Elixir Mix

    • Mood & Stress Support

    • Onnit New MOOD

    • CBD

    • NAD

    • TRT

    We know that was quite the read. Rogan indeed takes a vast amount of supplements, but if you can afford it, why not do it too? So, after reading all about the ultimate Joe Rogan supplements list, which ones are you going to give a shot?

    As more research comes out and more supplements are discussed, we will look to update this list. Thanks for reading!

    In the meantime you can check out other supplement lists we've put together. Fitness related articles are also there to learn something new!

    If you want the most bang for your buck, a Joe Rogan vitamin D supplement might be the right call! It's super important to take during these times and is on the cheaper side when it comes to cost.

    Why challenging yourself works.

    Just watch the video below to get motivated.

    It is about to be 2022 already! Time sure does fly. Hopefully this list gets you motivated to lead a healthier lifestyle and exercise on a regular basis as well. Chances are you listen to Rogan's Podcast quite a bit if you are reading this article. That alone should be enough motivation to get out there and get after it!

    Simply put, exercising will make every aspect of your lift better. And that is a message that Rogan consistently looks to get across to listeners. By no means do you need to be exactly like Joe and take every single supplement on this list. Start with one or two to get things going! Maybe a quality multivitamin and some fish oil to introduce to your body each day! From there you can expand into others. Of course you should look to help support your immune system! Also Vitamin D tends to be one of the most affordable supplements for sale.

    Rogan FAQs

    What supplements does Joe Rogan take?

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

    Does Joe Rogan still take Alpha Brain?

    Yes! It's the nootropic that Rogan recommends to enhance brain function.

    Does Joe Rogan sell supplements?

    Joe is part owner of Onnit. So those are the supplements that he sells with his name on it.

    Which vitamin D does Joe Rogan take?

    Rogan has stated multiple times that he takes 5,000 IU of vitamin D daily. Thorne and Pure encapsulations are the brands of choice here!

    What businesses does Joe Rogan own?

    Onnit, Higher Primate and more! Check out Onnit for some high quality supplements or Higher Primate for some awesome gear.

    What does Joe Rogan eat?

    Elk. Of course we need to lead with that one. Along with the high quality meant, Rogan incorporates a lot of vegetables. The point is, avoid the bread and the pasta and sugar as much as you can.

    Which vitamin D does Joe Rogan take and how much?

    Rogan takes 5,000 IUs of vitamin D daily. He has said he takes the Thorne vitamin D supplement.

    Does Joe Rogan take fish oil?

    He sure does! The brand is referenced above in this article, but Rogan has talked about the benefits of fish oil and fatty acids many times.

    Which vitamins does Joe Rogan take?

    JMultivitamins from both Pure Encapsulations as well as his own company, Onnit. Get yourself some Joe Rogan multivitamins!

    Does Joe Rogan own Onnit?

    He is part owner of Onnit, based in Austin, TX.

    Does Joe Rogan take quercetin!

    He sure does! Read about the amazing benefits here on Dr. Rhonda Patrick's site and you'll understand why Rogan adds quercetin to the supplement routine.

    What does Joe Rogan take daily?

    It's a lot: Multivitamin, Fish oil, Glutathione, Probiotics, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Vitamin IV Drips, Alpha Brian, Glucosamine, Athletic Greens, a sprinkle of TRT, the list goes on! Check up above for the rest of the list.

    What supplements has Rogan been recommending more during Covid 19 due to the health professionals he has talked to?

    Joe Rogan's Covid Supplement Stack: Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Quercetin have really been the 4 talked about by Rogan for Covid supplements.

    Wondering which books Rogan reads? They are some pretty solid ones! Now get to reading those books in the sauna and listen to Joe Rogan talk about heat shock proteins.